DA readies mechanization plan for agri-fisheries for 2023-2028

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The Department of Agriculture (DA) has issued an order  implementing the national agricultural and fisheries mechanization program until 2028.

Administrative Order No. 7 series of 2023 signed by Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban on August 15 aims to formulate a National Agricultural and Fishery Mechanization Program (NAFMP) for years 2023 to 2028.

The Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Law mandates DA to formulate an NAFMP every six years.

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The  NAFMP 2023 to 2028 has five main components:  local assembly and manufacture; research, development and extension; standards and regulations; support services and institutional development; and human resource development.

Specific goals of the program include the establishment of regional manufacturing networks and hubs to efficiently supply the machinery needs of the industry; strengthening of regional research and development networks to effectively address mechanization needs of the industry; and the improvement of welding, machining and other manufacturing methods to improve quality of agri-fishery machineries.

The program also bats for the forging of joint ventures and licensing agreements with foreign manufacturing firms to speed up localization of priority agri-fishery machinery; provision of research grants; establishment and operation of agricultural and fishery machinery service centers; and the push for contiguous farming and farm land levelling and reconstruction.

NAFMP seeks  to improve the adoption of renewable energy program for the agri-fisheries sector; fuel assistance program; credit and marketing support; upgrading of laboratory facilities and equipment; and the push for welfare, benefits and social protection of agri-fishery mechanization workers, among others. -Jed Macapagal


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