The heartwarming series “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” on Netflix continues to top the charts in the Philippines. Actors Park Eun Bin and Kang Tae oh shared their thoughts on the series, and its newfound global popularity.
How was preparing for the role of Woo Youngwoo different from your other past roles?
Park Eun Bin: I focused on Youngwoo’s sincere heart. I thought I might limit the possibilities of Woo Youngwoo if I took a careful or defensive stance, so I tried to take in as many different approaches as possible. In particular, I didn’t want to limit Youngwoo’s character, so I was really open to all possible options in expressing Youngwoo’s heart freely. Since Youngwoo is such a spirited and courageous person, I learned a lot from her character.
What was the most challenging part when you prepared for your role?
Kang Tae oh: My character Lee Junho is a more reactive character than a proactive one, and has a lot of emotions expressed through his eyes or facial expressions. I wanted to convey his emotions appropriately — not too much nor too little — and I think this took a lot of discussions with the director on set.